The Ultimate Guide to Indoor Plants

Garden Home

Houseplants add warmth and personality to any space they grace, from bedrooms to kitchens – you won’t find anywhere they don’t bring brightness!

Care tags of indoor plants often indicate their light requirements; some require full sun, while others prefer partial shade conditions. There are also numerous low-light options such as the popular snake plant and dracaena varieties.

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is an exquisite plant believed to bring luck, happiness, prosperity and harmony into one’s life.

This succulent is best grown under medium indirect lighting conditions but can tolerate low-light settings as well. Although soil or water cultivation methods can be employed, for optimal growth it’s preferentially grown using filtered or distilled water as its sensitive roots require filtering from chlorine.

If your leaves develop grey fuzz, this indicates a fungal infection; remove these and ensure they dry off completely before watering the plant again. Good water hygiene practices including regular changes of water as well as cleaning the vase are key here.

Snake Plant

As one of the more common houseplants, snake plants (also referred to as mother-in-law’s tongue) add an air of sophistication with their stately upright foliage and drought tolerance; they thrive best in indirect sunlight conditions.

They produce oxygen 24/7, unlike most plants which only release it during sunlight hours. This makes them the ideal way to purify your home from cancer-causing chemicals like trichloroethylene, xylene and formaldehyde.


Palm trees make an eye-catching houseplant and bring tropical charm into any room. Although they typically don’t bloom indoors, palms do best with indirect light and some humidity.

Be careful to not overwater palms; too much moisture causes their leaves to yellow and brown, prompting their leaves to fold under and die off. Keep them away from drafty windows or direct hot or cold blasts of air and choose a container no larger than 1/3 the root ball size for best results.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an invaluable plant for both health and beauty purposes, boasting vitamins and enzymes to detoxify, reduce inflammation and increase skin hydration. Furthermore, its antiseptic substances and laxative properties help relieve constipation symptoms.

Mature aloe plants typically produce pups, which can be replanted. Carefully detach and repot a new aloe vera by detaching it from its mother plant and waiting a few days for any cuts to heal before transplanting the new aloe vera into its new pot.

Peace Lily

Peace lilies benefit from regular waterings. If their leaves droop and have black tips, that is an indicator that more moisture may be necessary – softened water helps to lower sodium levels in soil, so avoid softened options when possible!

NASA studies have revealed that spathiphyllums help clean indoor air by absorbing certain pollutants and killing mold spores that may cause symptoms like watery eyes, nasal or throat congestion and fatigue.


Cacti and other desert-dwelling succulents have easily identifiable features: leathery skin, spines to protect them against herbivores and an inner reservoir that stores moisture.

Cacti are not just beautiful houseplants; they’re also among the easiest plants to care for! Cacti can help improve indoor air quality by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen for respiration, providing soothing sensations and relieving stress – making them an excellent addition to offices or homes alike.


Dracaenas do best when exposed to indirect light; however, fluorescent lights can also work well. When watering, use only when necessary allowing soil to dry between applications; overwatering could result in root rot issues.

Their narrow leaves may be solid green or variegated with red, yellow or white stripes; making them an excellent addition to tabletops or desks and capable of reaching six feet in height given optimal conditions.


Orchids may seem difficult to care for, but there are plenty of species that thrive as indoor plants. Most can even be grown using water from your own tap or dehumidifier without softening or filtering – this would prevent salt build-up.

Orchids are stunning blooms and an excellent way to bring nature inside, helping enhance mood, relieve stress, and increase productivity.


Bromeliads add a tropical ambience to indoor spaces and are relatively easy to cultivate. Not only are they effective air purifiers but they can also aid with soil quality issues.

Hydrangeas like humidity and should be watered via their central rosette of leaves with rainwater or tap water that has been boiled and left to rest for 24 hours before misting daily or creating a humidity tray. Half strength fertilizers may be applied during summer.

Spider Plants

Spider plants are frequently seen in hospital rooms as they help patients heal after surgery while also helping reduce blood pressure and heart rate issues. Spider plants thrive in low light environments but prefer slightly more humidity – misting regularly is all it takes to keep these plant happy!

Houseplants produce pups or plantlets – known as baby plants – which grow into independent plants over time. Houseplants increase humidity in your home while filtering toxins such as formaldehyde, toluene and xylene from the air.

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